Culinair Random stuff

Restaurant bakt burgers met 98 jaar oude frituurvet

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Zou jij een hamburger of een frietje eten bij een restaurant die bakt met een 98 jaar oude frituurvet? Veel mensen doen het!

Een restaurant in Memphis serveert hamburgers die gebakken worden met 98-jarige frituurvet. Ze zijn populair in Memphis, omdat ze nooit het frituurvet weggooien. Veel klanten eten gewoon burgers die gebakken worden met vet dat tientallen jaren oud is. Lekker gezond!

hier heb je nog een linkje naar het restaurant..


Wat zijn de meest bekeken video’s op Youtube?

Wat houden wij toch van Youtube! Het is de beste videowebsite ter wereld, want hier kunnen we video’s uploaden, bekijken en delen. De bandbreedte van Youtube kost ruim 1 miljoen dollar per dag. Heb jij al de meest bekeken video’s gezien? Nee? Bekijk ze dan nu:

1. Justin Bieber – Baby ft. Ludacris – 253.586.139 aantal keren bekeken.

2. Lady Gaga – Bad Romance – 248.738.830 aantal keren bekeken.

3. Charlie bit my finger – again ! – 211701192 aantal keren bekeken.

4. Evolution of Dance – By Judson Laipply – 147783245 aantal keren bekeken.

5. Miley Cyrus – Party In The U.S.A. – 140028772 aantal keren bekeken.

6. Pitbull – I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho) – 132703017 aantal keren bekeken.

7. Hahaha – 129455299 aantal keren bekeken.

8. Miley Cyrus – 7 Things – 125750328 aantal keren bekeken.

9. Lady Gaga – Just Dance ft. Colby O’Donis – 117382855 aantal keren bekeken.

10. Jeff Dunham – Achmed the dead terrorist – 115852048 aantal keren bekeken.

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Internet & technologie

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Game: Mario World

Zondag, Gamedag!

Wie houdt nou niet van de nostalgische Mario? A = Springen, S = Rennen en spelen d.m.v. cursortoetsen.

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Photoshop & fotografie

Alatoerka interviewt illustrator Esra Roise

‘s Ochtends had ik een interessant artikel over Esra Roise, het meisje die zeer fantastisch kan tekenen, geplaatst. Ik interviewde haar kort daarna over haar tekeningen en ze was charmant genoeg om het binnen een uurtje te beantwoorden. Ook vond ze het erg grappig dat we dezelfde naam hebben. Het leek alsof ze tegen haarzelf praatte, aldus Esra. Zie hieronder het interview:

1. Can you give us a brief biografy of yourself?
I’m 29, living and working in Oslo, Norway. I’ve gone two years to the Einar Granum school of Art here in Norway, and I am currently finishing the last year of my bachelor degree in Visual Communication at the Academy of the Arts in Oslo.
I’ve been drawing for as long as i could remember, and it’s always been my way of expressing and entertaining myself.. but it wasnt untill recent years that i dared to think that this could actually be my job. i quit my dayjob 5 years ago, and i’ve been working freelance as an illustrator since then, and although it was one of the scariest things i’ve ever done, i’ve never regretted it. I love my job!!

2. What’s your ethnic background?
My mom is Norwegian and my dad is Turkish, so that explains the name 😉

3. What is your style in the illustrations?
My style is very traditional pencil drawings mixed with watercolor and collage. I love the idea of using a very slow and old-school medium like the pencil to create something new.. I have recently discovered how to use a wacom board though, so i like to play around with my drawings on the computer after scanning them. That certainly opened a door into a whole new world, but my starting point is always analog; pencil on paper.

4. How long do you spent for one illustration?
Hm..that depends on what i am drawing. and for whom. And if i know what i want to create before i start or if i’m just making it up as i go. hehe. It can take from a couple of hours to several weeks. If it is just a personal project, I like top take breaks and pick things up after a couple of days, but working for a client is a totally different ballgame; if i’m working for a client, i am always super particular about staying within the given deadline. Deadlines are sacred hehe.

5. Who/what is your inspiration to draw such fantastic pictures?
I draw inspiration from..everything in life I guess. Literature,fashion, my friends, other really talented designers and illustrators, like Laura Laine and Lise-Lotte Watkins, but also artists from totally different genres than me, like David Hockney, Ron Mueck, and the great Klimt. But most of all, I get inspired by life in general, and awkward, meaningless every-day situations. I think the imperfect things are often the most inspiring ones. Snapshots that are out of focus,weird cropping, bad posture, crooked teeth.. small things that are just a bit off and odd..
And music obviously!- As well as the internet, wich is just an everlasting source of inspiration..

6. Are you satisfied with your pictures or do you think that the average picture could be much better?
Both I guess. I mean, there is always room for improvement in everything one does, but i wouldn’t publish anything on my webpage that i didnt feel content with, so i guess all the pictures on my webpage are a representable image of my level of skills. haha. that sounded corny, but i hope you know what i mean.

7. How do you see yourself ten years later? Do you think that you would still create illustrations for work or..?
The dream is to move out of the country and continue doing what i do now, only in a much bigger scale. i would love to live in New York, and my dream clients are big magazines that manage to juggle being both professional and edgy and kooky and quirky and innovative all at once.. like Dazed and Confused, I-D, Purple, V, Pop, Vogue or the big fashion houses. I love working with designers, and I would definitely love to do more of that.

8. Did you ever went to the Netherlands? And what do you think of Dutch people?
Oh yes i’ve been to Amsterdam once, and i absolutely LOVEd it. such an amazing place. i rented a bike and rode around town for hours. I’m horrible with keeping directions, so obviously all the canals confused me and had me lost several times. haha.I didnt care though..i love getting lost in new cities.
I definitely want to come back to see more of the country.
oh yeah, and you have amazing pancakes 😉

9. Do you want to include something to the interview?
Thanks so much, i really appreciate it.

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Photoshop & fotografie

Esra Roise, nieuw talent

Esra Roise is een freelance illustrator uit Noorwegen en studeert momenteel aan haar bachelor aan de Visual Communications at the National Academy of the Arts in Oslo. Klinkt interessant, vind je ook niet?

Mijn naamgenoot creëert vaak tekeningen voor men en gaat dan ervandoor met de populariteit. Ze combineert in haar ontwerpen vaak echte foto’s met getekende lijntjes. Haar mix? Traditionele naturalistische tekening en .. iets compleet anders.

Inspiratie vinden doet ze uit alles. Het kan zijn van muziek, films, literatuur, artiesten, de mensen die ze ontmoet of simpelweg een emotie.

Voor meer informatie over deze bloedmooie dame kan je haar MySpace en Phiary bezoeken.

Een aantal plaatjes uit haar portfolio:

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